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    Mokume gane technique in polymer clay miniseries

    This is a mini-series on the mokume gane technique in polymer clay. I start with presenting you a short history of the polymer clay technique of mokume gane, then I do a bit of color theory explanation, showing you how to pick your colors for the best effects.
    Then I show you a few variants of the technique, each with examples of color picking based on the explanations I gave in the first video.

    The subject is very vast, and as I said before, I could probably make a tutorial a day for a month and then have still plenty to teach you about it.
    But what I consider the most important in this is: give respect to the great artists that invented and refined it. Try to understand both the clay itself and the way the colors will be behaving once layered and manipulated. Pick the proper colors. And you will be able to create the most beautiful mokume gane in the world.'






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    Want to see  even more interesting tutorials? I love sharing what I know, but I need materials to create. As a disabled cancer survivor I cannot afford to buy much, and sometimes it's an effort to buy just the polymer clay I need.

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