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    Getting started

    Information on tools, materials, advice and little tips

    If you are just now starting on the polymer clay journey, I have tried to put together a few pieces of information for you.

    First, you need to know about the materials and tools you will need. Do not get scared. Even if you can spend a fortune to get all the tools and gimmicks out there, you do not NEED all those tools and gimmicks. I will give you a list of must haves though, and also what you can start with and then complete as you go.

    Conditioning your clay

    Before doing anything else, you must condition your clay.

    Even if sometimes – and especially with some brands of clay like Souffle by Sculpey – the clay seems to be soft enough to be worked with right out of the package, do not skip conditioning. A clay that has not been well conditioned will result in an item that will be prone to cracks and breakage even if baked correctly.


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    Want to see  even more interesting tutorials? I love sharing what I know, but I need materials to create. As a disabled cancer survivor I cannot afford to buy much, and sometimes it's an effort to buy just the polymer clay I need.

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