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    No, I did not disappear

    So I am still in the middle of the search for constructing a concoction for my camera rigging. Right now it's attached to the table and well, the table moves when I work on it and so the camera moves too.

    I did manage to make another tutorial though - the one with how to make natural looking iris for eyes.

    I've been working on more pieces as well, but I ran out of something again. Well, aren't you tired of that yet? lol I'm out of thick black jump rings, I only have copper ones left.
    Tomorrow I'll go to Hobby Lobby (I need more polymer clay anyway) and get some. I really need to find a good source for them.

    Anyway, here's the new tutorial.

    Realistic eye iris

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    Want to see  even more interesting tutorials? I love sharing what I know, but I need materials to create. As a disabled cancer survivor I cannot afford to buy much, and sometimes it's an effort to buy just the polymer clay I need.

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