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    Ammonite tutorial and more larimar experiments

    Goodness I was busy today. I started rearranging furniture in the "office" room so I can move all my claying there instead of keeping the kitchen always a mess. That is not a good thing, especially when one wants to sell a house! I got tired of "someone is coming to see the house, gather everything, someone left, put everything back out". It's tiring and thought process interrupting.

    Jeannie brought me an adjustable swivel arm lamp with a magnifying glass. That solved the issue of rigging the camera above the work space. It works like a charm.

    I taped a lot of material for tutorials today. Unfortunately it takes a while to edit and process the videos. I managed to get one of them done, and it's uploading to youtube. Over an hour and a half for a 14 minutes video. It's ridiculous. I have very good bandwidth and speed, but youtube got really slow lately. Well at least for a year now.

    I did more larimar experiments/ These are the ones I made yesterday.

    They look decent but:

    The matrix is too white. I've looked at hundreds of photos of larimar gemstones, none has white-white matrix. It's always a tad blue-ish. Also, when I covered the already-baked cabochons with the sheet of "larimar", I pulled a little bit on the edge on two of them. It's not a nice result. Next time don't pull. just get a bigger sheet or another piece.

    So today I tried again in a different way. But that's the subject of another tutorial now, isn't it?

    Realistic ammonite shells


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